Having seen the moon on so many occasions before, I'd never really regarded it's beauty or significance until seeing it up close. Sure I'd seen clear images of the moon through Google images and various other websites, but it was an entirely different experience being able to see it in person. I was also able to see Neptune, though it appeared as just a tiny speck through the telescope. One of the astronomers also showed a group of us two stars named Alberio, which, he explained, only has one name since we weren't aware that it was actually two stars at the time. We were also shown Saturn, as well as a blurry view of a globular cluster of stars.
One astronomer was nice enough to give us his tumblr url so we could follow him and continue to learn about the night sky. Here's his url: http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/. Having the telescopes and astronomers come show and teach us about constellations and planets was a real treat. It was both fun and educational, two things that rarely combine. If given the opportunity, I would jump at the chance to be able to do this again.
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